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Table of Contents
Title Page
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Rain Riders
For my beloved Austin whose spirit lights my way.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
About the Author
Summoned from beyond the grave, the Rain Riders strike terror into the men chasing Shye. But will she get her farm back before the angered spirits kill the man holding the deed?
Drug runners have taken over Shye’s land in an underhanded scheme. Even worse, a man she’d called a friend has issued an ultimatum. With only seven days to make a life changing decision, she struggles to find a way out and Trip worries that she’s in too deep. His attempts to protect her fail when the Ghost Dancer calls to her again. Will Shye want to come back after riding with spirits of the greatest warriors in history?
While preparing the soil for their new crops, a group of cynical men defile an ancient Native American burial ground. What they unearth amuses them as they make plans to sell the artifact for big money. Their greed invokes a supernatural force unlike any other. Can they undo their mistake before the Rain Riders take their souls?
The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Rain Riders
Copyright © 2013 Austina Love
ISBN: 978-1-77111-491-2
Cover art by Martine Jardin
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
Published by Devine Destinies
An imprint of eXtasy Books
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Rain Riders
Sweet Hitchhiker 4
Austina Love
For my beloved Austin whose spirit lights my way.
With respect to my Native American ancestors most of whom I have never met. While writing this book I heard the drums of my past and experienced a reawakening in my soul. Though I do not resemble them in appearance, their spirit is in my blood. Visions I saw can only be attributed to my connection to those who walked before me.
Everything I describe regarding Native Americans in this book came from my imagination and visions from my mind.
Special thank you to my readers. My wish is that you feel the story and become swept away by the mystical aura I felt when writing it.
To Jay, thank you for everything.
Chapter One
“Hey, Draven, you should take a look at this.”
Pike turned his head sharply. “Just get back to work. We’re not out here to piss around. If we don’t get the last of these seeds in before the next rain we may not have a crop to sell. Carter’s incompetence already set us back.” He studied the men in his crew for a second. They had all gathered in a tight circle and were openly fascinated by something.
“I’m serious, man, this thing is cool. Looks like it’s been here a long time.”
At that, Pike’s interest piqued. Dollar signs flashed before his eyes. Casually he strolled over to the group, not wanting to look overly interested in their find. So far the cultivating had gone slow. Clearing plots of ground in the thicket was much more difficult than plowing an open field. But they couldn’t plant their crops in plain view. No…cash crops of this nature needed a bit of camouflage.
“What do ya have?” He nudged his way into the circle. “A stick? You stopped working to play with a damn stick? I swear all you lazy asses have done is piss around looking for useless Indian relics.”
“No…listen…” Aiden, one of the workers, held the long stick up then slowly flipped it end over end. “Sounds like water. We found it while digging over there.” He pointed to a patch of mossy soil in the thicket. “It was buried under layers of rocks and practically molded to the ground. I can’t believe what awesome condition this piece is in.”
Pike moved in for a closer look. The stick was about four feet long and resembled a tall thin cactus thick enough to wrap one hand around. Upon closer inspection he noticed many tiny holes where the cactus spines had been. Both ends were sealed with a carved handle on one end while the other end was blunt as if used for walking.
“What the hell is it?” he asked, captivated by the sound it made when turned upside down and back again.
“A rain stick,” Aiden replied. “Native Americans use them in dances to summon rain. But I’ve never seen one crafted like this. It looks ancient. Rain sticks made today are more polished and decorative. This one is extremely primitive, yet skillfully made.”
“Really…let me see that thing.” Pike said with skepticism, taking the peculiar branch into his own hands. “I don’t buy into those Indian legends, nothing but tales of old men.” He scoffed while giving the stick a good going over. It definitely felt and looked like cactus tree and in spite of its age was still solid and carried a slight sheen. “Wonder what they used to preserve it and how they got it to sound like water’s inside.”
“I have no idea what could’ve preserved it this long. But the way they create the unique sound is by pushing the cactus needles though the branch.” Aiden used one finger to direct his attention to the numerous pinholes. “The branches are hollow so before sealing them the craftsman would place pebbles inside, then seal it back up with a handle on top and a solid piece on the bottom. The cactus needles and pebbles rolling from end to end emulate the sound of rain. Typically, something like this wouldn’t have survived buried in soil all these years. It must carry powerful medicine to remain perfectly preserved for so long.”
Pike shot Aiden a curious look. “How do you know so much?”
“I’ve lived in the Black Hills all my life. Been to a lot of Native American gatherings. Have a lot of Indian friends. You didn’t tell us this land had been owned by them.”
“Eh, just some Indian chick and her family. Not like a whole tribe lived here.”
Aiden raised questioning brows. “You don’t find handmade instruments used in ceremony just anywhere. Pieces like this are usually crafted by a medicine man or tribal elder, then buried with them when they leave this world to join their ancestors.”
“What are you saying? That we’ve stumbled upon a priceless artifact?”
With a shake of his head, Aiden’s expression deepened. “What I’m saying is that we’ve disturbed sacred ground. This had to have been a burial site and we’ve gone and desecrated it. I suggest we place the stick back where we found it and move our crops to another part of the property.”
“Yeah right.” Pike laughed. “One—this is the most remote place on the farm and two, the soil is perfect. We’ve got just enough tree coverage to hi
de the crops yet let in sufficient sun. I’m not moving the site just because you found one old Indian relic.” He flipped the stick again, only slower this time to hear the needles inside fall from one end to the other and mimic the sound of rain. “And we’re not putting it back. Whoever owned this thing is long gone…they won’t need it now.” His comment drew laughter from the other men. “This little find is probably worth some serious money.”
“You’re joking, right?” Aiden reached for the stick. “We should put it back and hope the spirits will overlook the disturbance.”
“Hell no.” Pike jerked the instrument away. “Keep working. Maybe we’ll find more valuable shit in this Indian backland.”
“Forget you!” Aiden backed away. “I already put my ass on the line taking this job. I used to lease this land to plant corn. When Carter took over this farm he put me out of work. I have a wife and kids to consider. I’m not placing them in harm’s way. I’ll find another job somewhere.”
“You’re gonna give up all this money because of some Indian relic?”
The look in Aiden’s eyes was somewhat unsettling. “Ain’t no amount of money worth losing your soul to the Rain Riders.”
“Say what?” Pike arched his brows in disbelief. “You really let those redskins get inside your head, man.” He cast a glance over his crew. “If any of you pussies feel the same as Aiden here, speak up now or get back to work. We’ve already stalled enough.”
The men looked from one to the other then at Aiden. One more crewmember stepped from the group. “I’d rather play it safe,” he said. “I’ve got a sweet little fiancé. I’m not willing to take more risks than I already have.”
“Anyone else?” Pike bellowed while glaring at the two cowards.
Nobody else spoke up. They shook their heads and moved back.
“Good, now get your asses back to work. I want these seeds in by dusk.” He turned toward Aiden and the other man. “I don’t usually allow men to leave once they’ve signed on. But since this might be a religious thing you can go. I don’t need trouble with spiritual leaders and such. You know the deal. Keep your damn mouths shut about everything including this rare relic here.” He gave the stick a shake. “If I find out you’ve uttered a word, your ass will be mine, got it?”
The two of them nodded in silence.
“Now get the hell out and don’t look back,” Pike told them.
They made haste leaving the area and disappeared within minutes over the sloping hills.
“Wusses,” he muttered under his breath while walking over to the site to have a look around. “If anyone stumbles across more Indian items, I want to see them. This land does not belong to you so don’t get any stupid ideas of stealing valuable finds. Anything found gets turned over to me.”
“The farm doesn’t belong to you either,” one man dared to point out.
“I’m the boss. Just because I don’t hold the deed doesn’t mean shit. Gage wouldn’t have a clue on how to run this business without me so don’t any of you forget it.”
A flurry of nods and surreptitious looks spread among the group but they relented and returned to working the ground. Pike supervised the handling of seeds and kept a close eye out for any more archeological finds. They day wore on with no additional discoveries. As the sun sunk into the western Dakota skies, a blood red moon took its place, inching into the dusky horizon. Pike decided to call it a day.
“All right, let’s clean up and clear out,” he ordered.
Quickly and in orderly fashion the crew finished their current tasks then made sure no tools or visible evidence of their presence had been left behind before hopping into the back of the pickup truck. Pike tossed the rain stick onto the seat beside him and drove everyone down to the house.
Gage was waiting when they parked near the front porch and piled out of the truck. “What’s that you’re carrying?”
“Ah, some Indian relic the men found while digging up the soil,” Pike replied with a casual shrug. “Aiden got spooked and took off, him and another guy.”
“What if they talk?”
“Everyone who works for me knows what happens if they go shooting off at the mouth.”
“That branch must be something significant if two of your men got spooked and walked off the job. They won’t find money like this anywhere else around here.”
“Aiden’s been living among the Indians too long.” Pike laughed. “He’s all brainwashed into thinking some ancient relic buried with them is gonna stir up the dead or something. He was babbling about this stick and other bullshit. I figured this little find might bring in a nice price at auction.” He held up the rain stick and flipped it over. “Check it out…gotta hand it to those natives, they made pretty cool shit at times. Never saw anything like this.”
A shadowy expression traversed Gage’s face but he held the stick anyway. “Yeah…it is a very fascinating piece. Where were you digging?”
“In the southwest corner, the least likely place to receive attention. The area also has ultimate conditions for thriving crops.”
“Out of over a hundred acres you couldn’t find anywhere else to plant?” Gage shifted his weight nervously and his voice rose a little. “Shye’s family had a private cemetery back there. This farm has been in her family for generations that go back too far to trace. Who knows how many of her ancestors were put to rest in that burial site.”
“What is it with you people and Indian burial sites?” Pike stomped past him. “The seeds are planted. We’ve been working sunrise to sunset every day to get the crops going. You want it moved, you do the work.”
“Here, take this.” Gage shoved the stick at him. “I’m a lawyer not a field worker. You wanted land and financing, I provided it. I want no part of disturbing a family burial ground.”
Pike whipped around. “Don’t forget how much profit you stand to make by your part in all of this. You’re the one who convinced Carter to front the startup cash and it was your idea to trick the little Indian chick out of her land so we’d have a better place to operate.” He gripped the spiny branch while leaning on it. “Speaking of which, there’s something strange about that woman.”
“Like what?”
“I saw her that day…” His thoughts drifted. “Never mind…ya know this old piece of crafted cactus would make a nice walking stick. If I didn’t think it was worth a mint, I’d keep it for myself.”
“What do you know about Shye?” Gage persisted.
Pike studied him for a minute then smirked. “That she’s got it bad for her rebel biker boyfriend. You better have some damn good tricks up your sleeve to bring that woman under control. She’s a wild one.”
“I have an edge. Shye is more loyal to her aging parents than some passing fancy. She won’t choose Trip Viper over her own family. And her seven day grace period ends tomorrow.”
He shook the stick at him in a mocking gesture. “Let’s hope you bring her in before the ghosts come a calling.” He let out a sardonic laugh. “Maybe we should gather around the fire after dinner and do a little rain dance. We sure as hell need the rain. What do ya think, Gage…think this rain stick carries some of that Indian magic?”
Gage took a couple steps back. Apprehension filled his eyes. “How do you know that’s a rain stick?”
“Aiden seemed to know all about it. He damn near gave me a history lesson before the wuss bolted. He’s afraid of losing his soul to some Rain Riders,” he replied with another cynical laugh. “We’re better off without the two girlies who are afraid of a little piece of wood.”
“Rain Riders?” Gage repeated.
“Eh, some nonsense Aiden babbled about before he left.” He cocked one brow and gave a hard stare. “Don’t tell me you believe all that bullshit, too?”
“I’ve heard of them. Most Native Americans in these parts are well aware of the legend behind them.”
“What? Are you getting cold feet, too?”
“No. I’m counting on Shye to join us and the land b
elongs to me. Just get rid of that thing. I don’t want her thinking I had anything to do with violating her family’s resting place.”
“I don’t need you going soft on me.” Pike wrinkled his mouth in a frown. “I plan on selling this thing anyway so relax…Shye will never know.”
“I’m surprised you’re taking this so lightly. Wasn’t your father a Native American?”
“And your point is?”
Gage backed off. “Nothing…just thought you’d give a little more weight to matters such as this.”
“Weak legends.” Pike scoffed. “I have no tolerance for weak fools.” He took his prize and walked inside.
The others were already gathered around the table eating sandwiches and cold potato salad. He wished the little Indian woman Shye would agree to join them so they’d have decent hot meals and maybe something more. She’d refused his first invitation in a rather hostile manner. Perhaps Gage will have better luck, he thought.
He was glad he hadn’t revealed what he’d seen—that Shye had seemingly walked through a solid brick wall then vanished without a trace the day Carter went down for robbing the bank. For reasons that eluded him, Pike had chosen to remain secretive about her peculiar activities. As if by keeping her secrets, or perhaps knowing something Gage did not, made him feel closer to her. Or maybe knowing a dark secret about little Miss Shye would give him an edge that Gage lacked or that his discretion would gain her favor once the competition had been eliminated.
He couldn’t deny his fierce attraction to the raven-haired seductress. Every day that passed found her consuming more of his thoughts. The urge to lay her down was overwhelming at times. Though he knew he was a scoundrel he’d never force himself on a woman. He’d never had trouble luring them into his bed. Shye, however, was a different story—fiery and a fighter.
That woman has shadows in her eyes! I must uncover her secrets and have her as my own.
From the first day she’d gazed up at him with those big black eyes he’d wanted her. And the way she’d fought turned him on. No fear! He admired her strength in the midst of chaos. Weak people sickened him. His parents had been weak. Carter was pathetic and Gage bordered on something in between. If he didn’t need the land, he’d have found a way to remove the uptight attorney from the equation.